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Allison Maisner


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Democracy is Powered by Volunteers Like You

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Check all options you're interested in, we'll call you.

    Canvassing, hand out fliers in your neighborhood

    Posting on Facebook

    Post on Facebook public business accounts

    Phone Bank

    Text Bank

    Sit at campaign headquarters

    Put sign in back car window: “”

    Host a Lawn Sign

    Host a House Party

    host a coffee at home or in a restaurant

    Invite Sharon to speak at small or large events public and private

    How would you like to help?

    Make a suggestion of ways you or other can help including upcoming events to attend

    Regularly call radio stations telling them why you are voting for Sharon Nasset for Mayor

    When you are out and about let people know who you are voting for and why

    How we can build a better country together!

    Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance. Because direct democracy – a form of government in which political decisions are made directly by the entire body of qualified citizens – is impractical in most modern societies, democratic government must be conducted through representatives.

    Step 1
    Go to your assigned voting location
    Step 2
    Present your ID
    Step 3
    Your fingers will be marked with ink
    Step 4
    Take your tickets
    Step 5
    Cast your vote secretly
    Step 6
    Deposit ticket in the ballot box

    Would you like to become one of our donors?

    Would you like to become one of our donors?

    Elect Sharon Nasset – Portland’s Mayor
    Campaign Headquarters
    Elect Sharon Nasset
    5038 N Lombard St
    Portland, Oregon 97203
    Mailing Address
    Elect Sharon Nasset
    4784 N. Lombard St.
    PMB # 129
    Portland, Oregon 97203